article, you will learn how to make amulets to attract money and good luck with your own hands.
Charms are known to mankind since ancient times. Have worked in various functions: defended the people from the dangers and diseases, has introduced in the life of luck, love and health.
- The amulets is not meant to be derogatory. Their strength is shown not only of centuries of experience, but modern science
- Psychologists confirm that the presence of a certain fetish objects, in our case, an amulet that can program a person build their own destiny
- The amulet, which is made from only all of the rules leads to a great benefit. After all, when the production invests in him a piece of his energy, that will "work" only for you
- Cash amulets can bring you financial prosperity, protect the owner of a theft and not just costs
- The presence of an amulet is better not to tell anyone. This should be your little secret, bringing the success
Amulet to attract money and wealth with their own hands
- The amulet is an important subject, which aims at something to attract or repel
- In fact, the amulet can be anything that for you has a special meaning and is associated with the essence of requests
- For example, as an amulet could be a special banknote or coin
- Important, to support amulet believed in its possibilities. When you receive a profit need to thank the amulet for the help
- The most effective amulets for those who have undergone a particular ritual. The fact is, that the man takes very seriously the magical actions and this strengthens his faith
- The amulet you can do it yourself after a ritual. In addition, it is possible to take a gift, if you are unsure of the sincere intent donor
- Any purchase amulet must be adopted, that is to say, have to you of value. Must not only be beautiful, but to him must "be the soul"

Horde amulet on the money with their own hands
- So the amulet called to attract wealth. You can do, as women and men
- Wear this amulet need tucked away in your bag or pocket
We will need:
- Coin
- Thin rope
- 3 of the candle
Coins per amulet best to use the ones you found on the street. Given that I sent destiny
- The ritual for the making of this amulet is best to do it in an environment, in the phase of the growing Moon
- Light the candles, put on a table in the shape of a triangle, and we sit down on a chair against
- Let us take up the coin, and 7 times, we read these words: "a Coin I'll take a hand. Like her, alone, with me now, servant of God (name), and then with me a wealth you will be invincible. Currency my other call you, the wealth of attract bring. Live now I wealth, yes, plenty,"
- For this it is necessary to represent money, how to own them
- Then the cross closed the coin consortium, with these words: "Closed, the money will attract"
- Then the ends of the rope to set fire to the flame of a candle, do not cut the
- The amulet let's leave these candles on the table, and you go to bed
- On the morning of his need to enter in the portfolio, do not tell anyone and not to show this mascot

Imperial amulet wealth
- Imperial amulet, has in itself many functions. He can not only help you to rediscover the wealth. In the range of "services": a successful career, the rapid return of the debt, the fortune, and social success
- The main attribute of an amulet coin. You can choose the one that you particularly like: brought from a trip, a new and brilliant
- The amulet can be worn around the neck, in the pocket or in the bag. Important, for this was hidden and has not been touched
The ritual of the manufacturer:
- We do the ritual of the full moon. Important thing is to have a good, mood is calm, and the conscience purified from useless thoughts
- Light a candle and sit down at a table. Turning the coin used for the amulet, the present and the desired: how are you unlucky in career, come the riches and prizes
- Here we put the amulet on a piece of red cloth and offer it to the window, so that it fell the light of the moon. We ask God and the Universe send wealth and success
- Wrap the amulet in the fabric and put a pillow for the night
Pendants with your own hands
- Good luck can become a natural element, for example, the stone
- His need to find on the shore of a lake or other reservoir. The stone has no need to look for specifically. Better if he drops the look and for some reason that you like it
- You must take this stone and rinse in water of the tank, about which you will find
- Bring home. In the night of a full moon, light a candle, and on the stone, draw what you dream
- Then this stone need to wrap it in a cloth of red color and put in a quiet place in the house, away from prying eyes
Strong of a lucky charm with your own hands
We will need:
- Dried herbs: cloves, mint, rosemary, bay leaf, fennel seeds (a pinch)
- A piece of red fabric
- The thread
How to produce:
- In new moon, sew a piece of red fabric small bag. Fill the herbs and read about it three times in the prayer of the "our Father"
- Then tie the thread, saying: "I Put the herb to the will of God, of self, on luck and luck! Yes it is! Amen!"
- Remove the bag in a safe place. And every night of the full moon lay on the sill of the window, under the light of the moon (at least 3 times)
- This mascot is to bring into your life just positive moments, luck and success
Cash mascot in the bag with their hands
What are, in principle, objects can be considered money talismans:
- A money tree. He leaves, similar to a coin. It is believed that during the transplantation, on the bottom of the wooden plate to bury a coin. Then the revenues will grow, but the hosts of the tree to flourish. This tree can grow successfully on the window sill of house
- Popular mascot — a piece of birch bark. It protects its owner from the part of the debtors, delays in salaries, and theft of goods
- Happy coin or banknote. For example, a big payout or prize. This business will attract similar to your portfolio
- Some stones, such as agate, jasper, onyx are able to attract money

Mascot wealth with their own hands
There is an old ritual,which, according to the people, it works 100%.
- Then, the point is simple. Starting from the first number of each month we need to forward the corresponding amount of money. For example, the number of " 1 " — 1 ruble, 2 number 2 of the rouble, etc
- For this take a pretty box and put there money in a certain time of the day (but every day the same)
- When present, as the box is full of bills, looking for wealth and success
- One condition: not to miss a day. If you missed it, in the next month will have to start again. To report money for the missing days do not
- At the end of the month (30 or 31 of a number), changing all the money on the large bill. Now is your good-luck charm for the money, which necessarily leads to wealth